Q: I can’t download a file. What should I do?
A: If normally clicking a file does not work, try right clicking on the file. A menu pops up and you should click on Save Target As. Once you click that you should be asked where you want to save the file. If you are trying to download a PDF and you cannot open the file, you may not have Adobe Acrobat. You can download it for free here or you can just download the word document versions of each file, which there should be a link for right next to the PDF version. If you are still having problems email Danton@HuntingtonsFilm.com and Danton will personally send you the files via email.
Q: I have an additional family member that is interested in being part of our interview, but we already sent in the form with all the signatures. Can this person still be part of the interview?
A: Yes. If a family member or friend is interested in being interviewed but you have already submitted the form, do not worry about sending an additional form, the additional person can fill out the form in person when we arrive to film. If you have all the signatures but one and are waiting on that one person to sign, it is better to get your forms in and we can get that persons signature on the date of the interview.
Q: Where will the filming taking place?
A: We would prefer to film the interview in your home. This would take place in an area that you are most interested and comfortable in being interviewed. We have enough lighting to accommodate most spaces, but a space with good light is a bonus. We can film outside, provided the weather is nice and not especially bright or hot. Also, if you do not or cannot film at someone's home please include this information either in your application or in an email so we can arrange to set up the interview elsewhere. A typical place used would be a community center or local church or a similar place and if you already of an idea of where it could happen that would help us tremendously.
Q: I sent an email and it has been more than 2 days and I haven’t heard back. What should I do?
A: Danton and Liz will be on the road during most of the filming months and occasionally we cannot get to an internet connection. If we still haven’t emailed you back after 3 or 4 days, and you are set up for an interview please call us at the number you were given. Also, you can try e-mailing Naomi@HuntingtonsFilm.com as Naomi will have greater access to the internet.
Q: So you’re travel with your dog right? Where is he going to be during our interview?
A: Yes, we are traveling with our dog, Argo. During interviews, there are a variety of things we can do with Argo. Depending on how comfortable you are with dogs or depending on weather, we could have him outside in a fenced yard or in his crate. Otherwise, we do have a large crate that he actually likes to stay in and he would be able to stay in that crate in a room somewhere in the house. He doesn’t really bark and he’s a pretty mellow dog, so as long as he is in his crate, he won’t interfere with the filming. If you are entirely opposed to having the dog around, please mention it on your application and we will arrange for him to be elsewhere at the time of the interview.
Q: I sent an email with the attached forms and it got rejected. What should I do?
A: This means your file is too large for our email server limit to accept. There are a couple solutions. The simplest is to resend each of the files in separate emails and see if that works. You could also try making the file size smaller and resend it. It neither of those methods works, you could try sending the files to HuntingtonsFilm@Gmail.com If it still doesn’t work you can set up a link on a file sharing website like www.mediafire.com If none of these issues are working send a regular email (w/ attachments) to Danton@HuntingtonFilm.com and he will get back to you about what to do.
If you have a question that is not listed here please click submit it at the link above or click here. |