Danton is a not only an independent filmmaker but also a graduate of the Syracuse University School of Architecture. In college in 2007 he met his beautiful wife and fell in love. Danton has always been interested in theater and film, so while in college he founded a performance group known as WhAT and through that group managed to produce a ton of events, plays, and even student films. He has also worked on many other film projects ranging from the film Annapolis to a music video for the band, Audioslave.

Connection to HD:
Danton is always delving into a variety of creative pursuits but for him, this project is his number one priority. Danton’s father suffered from HD his entire life. As a child, he was a primary caretaker for his father and got to know the disease well. In 2007, during spring break from college, Danton was in Alabama for a Habitat for Humanity trip. It was then, only 2 months after Danton met Liz, that he received a call from his mother. His father had passed away from Huntington’s Disease during the night.

Danton was always proactive in Huntington’s community but when his father passed he began doing more. Danton created an annual homecoming fundraising event at Syracuse to raise awareness and funds for HD. Following this, he created and organized several other events, including a large musical which raised even greater funds for the HDSA.

During his time in college Danton being working on the script of The As Yet Untitled Huntingtons Film. Danton was also a contestant in the Pepsi Refresh Project trying to receive funding but sadly, he did not win. But he would not let that stop him. Danton has since been saving his personal funds to complete this film project. Danton also just completed testing to find out if he carries the gene and it turns out he is HD positive. Though this news was hard to hear, Danton remains optimistic about his future and the future of Huntington’s Disease.

While this disease is devastating, through raising awareness and promoting research we can make a huge impact. Danton is committed to doing everything he can as long as he can to spread the word.

Role on the film:
Danton will be writing, producing, and editing the film.  He will be conducting all the interviews and is really looking forward to meeting so many new people in the HD community. He will also be directing when the time to direct comes.