This film is currently entirely independently funded with the hope of later donating a portion of the profits to Huntington’s Disease research. So, if you wish to donate directly to Huntington’s Disease research, please go the HDSA website and donate online.

If you still insist on donating money to our specific project you can send checks to Donate, P.O. Box 105, Ardmore, PA 19003. You can also donate via paypal by logging into your paypal account and sending your donation to there, be sure to select that this is a 'personal gift.'

And there are still more ways to help. For example, you could donate used video or audio equipment. If you are interested, email and include information on the equipment you wish to contribute. If we can use it we will tell you where you can send it. Another thing you can do is donate your time and if that is up your alley check out the Volunteer tab here.