Naomi grew up as the oldest daughter in a family of 8 kids and 2 parents.  She met Danton’s father almost a year before she married Danton’s father on Nov 4, 1983.  Most people couldn’t believe they were a couple considering Chuck was an original Woodstock hippie and Naomi was active duty U.S. Navy.   Chuck owned and operated a water ice and soft pretzel business called Summer Snow.  In 1986 they had a beautiful baby boy, although not small by any standards at 9lbs 7oz and still he is 6’2” and a big guy.  He is one of their greatest joys as he continues to grow.    Chuck was a wonderful, loving and kind father and husband and a great loss to all who knew him.  Naomi was re-married in 2011 to a wonderful man who also greatly supports our cause.

Connection to HD:
Like most people, Naomi had never heard of HD and married Chuck knowing that his mother had this disease, but scarcely understanding the concept or the gravity of this illness.  She loved him and that was all that mattered. When their son was only a year old, Chuck had symptoms that he thought were related to a ganglion cyst.  Unfortunately, they turned out to be caused by HD.

After attending support groups and knowing the physicians who worked and cared for her late husband, she feels motivated and very touched by this disease.  She has also helped Danton with fundraisers by making contacts and informing co-workers and friends about this disease white Danton was in College and is excited to be on the project team for this film.

She is absolutely tenacious in her need to have this illness recognized and is determined to help increase awareness, raise funds, support research, and get involved in any way she can to help find a cure for this terrible disease.  She looks forward to meeting the interviewees, hearing their stories, and sharing those struggles with the world through the production of the film.  She has always thought that Danton will accomplish great things and continues to support him and his lovely wife.

Role on the film:
Naomi will be the all-around Coordinator for the film. She will be reading your applications, scheduling meetings, and updating postings, etc. while Liz and Danton are traveling during their two month trip.